Thank you to everyone who came out to say hello during AWP in Seattle-– at the book fair and at our off-site reading featuring Keith S. Wilson and Ally Ang!
And thank you for submitting to our 2023 contests. We are looking forward to reading! We will re-open for submissions this fall.
With much love from our otter and our bat, the BR Team
Our 2023 Poetry Contest Judge Susan Nguyen posing with our resident bat, made by BR staff reader Jamie GoodContributors Keith S. Wilson and Ally Ang at our off-site reading at CAMKeith S. Wilson’s piece “Maze 20” in BR on display at CAMEditors Tay Stafford, Jane Wong, and Sean Dolan with readers/contributors Keith S. Wilson and Ally AngPoet Michelle Penaloza with Editor-in-Chief Jane Wong in the cutest BR hatsAt the WWU booth with BR (Gabby Triana and Tay Stafford) and Jeopardy staff members