Nourishment, Food, and Care: BR’s “Resilient Pieholes” Feature Returns

In 2020, at the start of the global pandemic, former Bellingham Review editors Jai Dulani and Suzanne Paola started a feature called “Resilient Pieholes” — where writers shared their work on food, cooking, comfort, home, and connection. The New York Times gave the feature a wonderful shout-out! In the past, we have published work by writers such as drea brown, Quincy Scott Jones, and Kay Ulanday Barrett.
We are excited to continue this feature and to consider the ways in which nourishment weaves into our daily lives now. We will be adding food inspired stories, recipes, poems, essays, and more throughout the year. Please check out Diana Xin’s “How to Make Your Laolao’s Dumplings” and Hanna Webster’s “We Are Baking a Cake,” published recently. Enjoy!