The Bellingham Review announces the publication of the sixth issue under the editorship of S. Paola Antonetta, Issue 76, which includes two international sections of particular relevance. One, titled “Who Are These Assembled Nations?,” features new poems from Palestine writers, while the other, “Unbidden Stories,” contains fiction and poems from Israel. Issue 76 also has the winners of our 2017 annual literary contests, as well as a remarkable collection of stories, poems, essays, and hybrid work from US and international writers. The issue features the painting “Fort Mason” from Susan Bennerstrom, and we are thrilled to share it with you.
The editors of the Bellingham Review are pleased to announce the publication of Issue 75, our seventh annual online issue. Inside you will find a collection of new hybrid work, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from 21 writers, as well as poems written by six young individuals under the guidance of Underground Writing, a nonprofit organization …
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Bellingham Review 2017 literary awards—the 49th Parallel Award for Poetry, the Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction, and the Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction—selected by contest judges Robert Cording, Julie Marie Wade, and John Dufresne, respectively. The winners will each receive an award of $1,000 and will be published in the Spring 2018 print issue of Bellingham Review.
The Bellingham Review is pleased to announce the publication of the fourth issue under the editorship of S. Paola Antonetta, Issue 74, which includes a special section of new writing from Canadian women titled “Place and Space in Canada,” the winners of our annual literary contests, as well as a remarkable collection of stories, poems, and essays from US and international writers. The issue features the painting “The Coming Storm” from Susan Bennerstrom, and we are thrilled to share it with you.
The editors of the Bellingham Review are pleased to announce the publication of Issue 73, which features an astounding symposium on “The Kinetic Page,” as well as a collection of new hybrid work, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from 20 writers, as well as photography from David Scherrer, whose Getty is featured on our cover. We hope you enjoy exploring and …
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Bellingham Review 2016 literary awards—the 49th Parallel Award for Poetry, the Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction, and the Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction—selected by contest judges Daniel Tobin, Joy Castro, and Sybil Baker, respectively. The winners will each receive an award of $1,000 and will be …
“I want everyone to sit zazen. Just for a few minutes. It’s probably going to seem like a long time, but we can do it. Everyone sit up, find a position that feels comfortable, and close your eyes.” Murmurs of confusion began, but within a few seconds all audience members were sitting still and listening to Ozeki’s voice as she guided a meditation starting on the head down to the toes.
The Bellingham Review is pleased to announce the publication of the first issue under the editorship of S. Paola Antonetta, Issue 72, which includes a special section of new writing from Hong Kong titled “Hong Kong After Occupy,” the winners of our annual literary contests, as well as a remarkable collection of stories, poems, and essays from US and international writers.
No matter how many mirrors are arranged together When you turn away, do they? Are they always following you like that? Or perhaps the opposite is true – The loss that roots within every gain Roots grown deep below the parties Of Florida mangroves In fractured nocturnal wonder She doesn’t want to participate in the …