Issue 48

Volume XXIV, No. 1, Issue #48

From the Editors

Robin Hemley , Saying Good-bye

Brenda Miller , Saying Hello


1st Place: Annie Dillard Award

Mary Grimm , On Not Having Cleaned the House

1st Place: 49th Parallel Award

Ellen Andolsek, White Sands

1st Place: Tobias Wolff Award

Christie Hodgen, Sir Karl LaFong or Current Resident



Brian Teare, In Winter, Interior

David Young, Wind, Rain, Light

David Young, At the White Window


Creative Nonfiction

Robin Hemley, From Postcard to Memoir: A Conversation with Lawrence Sutin

Lawrence Sutin, “Man and Boy”

Lawrence Sutin, “You surprise me.”


2nd Place: Annie Dillard Award

Natalia Rachel Singer, Blood Memories

2nd Place: 49th Parallel Award

Gwen Ebert, This Lie, This Dark Man, This Mother

2nd Place: Tobias Wolff Award

Owen King, My Second Wife



Cameron Gearen, St. John Passion

Debra Nystrom, Regardless of Final Score

Greg Rappleye, After Three-and-a-Half Years with Calypso, Odysseus Says, To Hell with It, I’m Not Going Home

Greg Rappleye, A Recipe in Which My Ex-Wife No Longer Appears

Aaron Bannister, The Nicodemus Light


3rd Place: Annie Dillard Award

Lynna Williams, Scenes from the Lorca Lounge

3rd Place: 49th Parallel Award

Blair Ewing, St. Vincent’s Day

3rd Place: Tobias Wolff Award

Joan Leegant, How to Comfort the Sick and Dying



Dale Kushner, Eurydice

Lenae Nofziger, Trespassing in Stillwater

Chris Forhan, The Past

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