Bellingham Review Contributor

Mónica Gomery

Mónica Gomery is the author of two poetry collections: Might Kindred, winner of the Prairie Schooner/Raz-Shumaker Book Prize (University of Nebraska Press, 2022), and Here is the Night and the Night on the Road (Cooper Dillon Books, 2018). Her work has been awarded the 2024 Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize, Palette Poetry’s Sappho Prize for Women Poets, and residencies from the Vermont Studio Center and Sundress Academy of the Arts. Her poems appear most recently in American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry Northwest, West Branch, and on The Slowdown podcast. A queer Venezuelan American poet and rabbi, she works at Kol Tzedek Synagogue in Philadelphia, and is a member of Rabbis for Ceasefire.

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