Bellingham Review Contributor

c.r. glasgow

c.r. glasgow (doc/she/we) is a non-binary, queer, first-generation Caribbean-American interdisciplinary healing artist. c has received fellowships and support from UCross, Anaphora, The Watering Hole, VONA, Hugo House, and others. doc has been the recipient of VONA’s 2021 Haitian Heritage Scholarship. c’s work has a 2023 nomination for Best of the Net and their chapbook, the Devils that raised Us, was longlisted at Frontier Poetry. c’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Black Lawrence Press, Rigorous Magazine, Lion’s Roar, Obsidian, Torch Literary, and other cross-genre spaces. Follow c on, Twitter: @fearlesscrg, and IG: @garudagin.

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