Far Away Like Cuba


Back in the winter of 2020, Nancy Naomi Carlson sent us translations of poems written by the Cuban writer Wendy Guerra. Guerra’s work is thrilling–poems like “Living on the Airwaves” feel like an urgent message from the “frequency modulated air” of that island to our south. The translations, by Nancy Naomi and Esperanza Hope Snyder, were both delicate and strong.  Nancy Naomi then offered us the gift of introductions to other Cuban poets and translators. Thus this folio was born. We could not have known back then that our publication date, November 15, would also be the date chosen for a great wave of protests across that country calling for the release of political prisoners and detained citizens as well as other reforms. Many eyes will be on that island. We are honored to have these poems, additional voices, additional eyes through which to see.

SUSANNE PAOLA ANTONETTA is Editor-in-Chief of Bellingham Review.

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