Issue 87

a scout is trustworthy


the scout master called      my father
says      and i can tell by the switch in his
throat that this is the night he
will die

we head to church an hour before
the troop meeting      master waits for us
outside       watches as we stomp through

oklahoma grasses no one’s bothered to mow down
now son      the master says      something about you
has come to my attention and
i’m afraid

you have some explaining to do      the boys
tell me you call yourself a certain word
on facebook      that instead of male your profile says

the word looks so dirty as it crumbles out his mouth
and falls to the ground      scout master slides his boot
back and forth over it      as if to grind it down into
the red earth

my father stares at master and mouths the word
transgender      he turns to me and mouths the word
son      i stare into his eyes as they plead

scout master slips a switch into
my hand      the blade pointed away
just like we’re taught      and says be
careful son

my hand shakes searching my father for
a spot to shove the knife      a humane death
is quick and painless      the wounded
should not suffer

i hear my father      the scout master
as whispers in my quivering hand
be careful son      be careful son

i watch as the switch turns toward me
as the blade slips between my lips      i cannot tell
whose hand is holding it      i can only feel
the blood

dribbling out my mouth as it
carves up my girl tongue      severs trans
gender from my speech      and i spit it out onto the grass
and dirt below

the word just means i don’t believe in gender
roles      i hear myself tell the men      they ease
as i call it a political statement but nothing more

we enter the church and prepare for the troop meeting
i leave my tongue to decompose in the oklahoma chickweeds
knowing      wounded      i chose to lie to spare my father’s life

Jennessa Hester is a transgender writer and scholar working out of Lubbock, Texas. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cream City Review, HAD, Rust + Moth, and elsewhere. She serves as a managing editor for the Iron Horse Literary Review and poetry editor for Wrong Publishing. Find her on social at @cherrypoppunk.

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