in this volcano of a body
question:how else to erupthow else to churn through daily sickness how else to carry what is not minehow else to lean in closer to feel the molting heat how else to get burnedhow else to…
Bellingham Review Contributor
j.h. is a queer and trans person of the korean diaspora. in their multi-medium creative practice, they are interested in exploring and portraying the connections, overlaps, and relationships between intergenerational and personal trauma, inheritance, land, food, bodies, translation, and queerness. j.h.’s work has appeared in kitchen work and arkana, and they have a poem appearing in santa fe literary review’s upcoming issue, “bloodlines: lineage, inheritance, and legacy.” they were also a public ceramics fellow in 2024.
question:how else to erupthow else to churn through daily sickness how else to carry what is not minehow else to lean in closer to feel the molting heat how else to get burnedhow else to…