Some days I am full of hope Others, a single thing could kill me:
a weed where I’ve already weeded, twice the clerk muttering Sir uhhh ma’am one wisp of cloud in the clear blue
Some days I am full of things Others, a single hope could kill me:
that you already did the dishes my friend finally texting back the bright green finch on our empty feeder
But today I am that shock of white— clean, shining porcelain bowl in the sky
today the clerk who misspoke dies and comes back as a finch
perches on my edge drinks the clear blue
of me
Veronica Schorr is author of the chapbook Conscious Blue (Finishing Line Press, 2021) and winner of the Collins Literary Prize in Poetry. Her writing appears in La Piccioletta Barca, Spoon River Poetry Review, Honey Literary, and elsewhere. Veronica is the Assistant Poetry Editor at EcoTheo Review. She is an MFA candidate in Poetry at UNC Greensboro.