On a bus in Chile, I lose my grandmother’s bursztyn ring, its amber from the Bałtyk shores. In memory's temporal house a woman walks her cows out to where the river meets the sea. The…
Bellingham Review Contributor
Patrycja Humienik, daughter of Polish immigrants, is a writer and editor based in Seattle, WA. Her poetry is featured/forthcoming in Gulf Coast, The Adroit Journal, TriQuarterly, SAND Journal Berlin, 128 Lit, Ninth Letter, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Slowdown show, and elsewhere. She is working on her first book of poems, Anchor Baby. Find Patrycja on twitter @jej_sen.
On a bus in Chile, I lose my grandmother’s bursztyn ring, its amber from the Bałtyk shores. In memory's temporal house a woman walks her cows out to where the river meets the sea. The…