Issue 63
Short Forms Edition
Table of Contents
Letter from the Managing Editor: A note on genre
Marilyn Bruce
Crime Show Moment
Rosemarie Dimatteo
Raise the Empty Glass
Lavonne J. Adams
Reading “Machines”
Nathan E. White
A Brief Novel with No Interior Doors
Christina Veladota
If I Sing to Your Weather It Is Because
Christina Veladota
After the Divorce
Steve Edwards
Karen Dietrich
Edwin Lyngar
The Short List of Certainties
Lois Roma-Deeley
The Boss and the Lawn
Ana Maria Spagna
Uncle Al
Rochelle Hurt
Birth Certificate
Dinah Cox
Hospital Chart
Dinah Cox
She Rhymed with Jump, I Rhymed with Rope
Amie Whittemore
Requiem in Laramie
Kevin Simmonds
Game Day
Colette Jonopulos
A Chair Inhabits a Dream
Marcia Aldrich
New Year’s Resolutions
Deborah Thompson
Lost Language
Deborah Thompson
Souvenirs as Currency
Eva Heisler
Owen Tucker
Grand Canyon, 1956
Anne Kaier
Mercedes Lawry
A Gardener’s Tale
Robert Miltner
Michelle Menting
The Shave
Franz Knupfer
The Game
Cassandra Lane
Long after Dark
Amy Billone
The End of the World
Tawnysha Greene
Emily Conner
Inside the Only American Goddess
Alison Townsend
Drafting the Beast
Joe Bonomo
Film 101: Final Exam
Mark Wagenaar
Sunnyslope in Season
Carrie Seymour
Santa Maria Maggiore: Seven facts, two fables, six arias, and one eyewitness account
Sherry Simpson
Sound Out
Jessie van Eerden
O Death
Sarah McCartt-Jackson