Donna Haraway Manifesto


by Jillian Weise 


One way to tell if you are, in fact, Donna Haraway, is to consider whether you
use the phrase, “We are all ________________.”

Has Michio Kaku been Donna Haraway? Yes.

Has Charlize Theron been Donna Haraway? Yes.

Has Michael Bérubé been Donna Haraway? Obviously.

Cyborgs would like our gardens back, plz.

Donna Haraway is a tryborg.

The first tryborg was Euripides.

If you like this, why do you like this? If you do not like this, why not? Is it
because you are hungry, you are reading this on a Tuesday, your professor
required it, or because there is a lot of noise here on the bus or somebody is
texting you too much or not enough?

Plz don’t get on me.

The main trouble with Donna Haraway is of course…etc.

If you name it, you lord over it.

JILLIAN WEISE is a poet, performance artist and disability rights activist. She is the author of Translating the Body (2006), The Amputee’s Guide to Sex (2007), The Colony (2010) and The Book of Goodbyes (2013), which won the James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets and the Isabella Gardner Award from BOA Editions. Her work has appeared in A Public Space, The Huffington Post, The New York Times and other publications. Her heteronym, Tipsy Tullivan, hosts a show called “Tips for Writers” on YouTube. Weise is the recipient of residencies and fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center, the Fulbright Program, the Lannan Foundation, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is an Associate Professor at Clemson University.

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